Tuesday, May 27, 2008

He really does...

He really does work in mysterious ways..

who would have known that failing that exam last week would be so benefcial to keeping my mind from wondering... all day today..

doesn't mean 'm on track all the time..

but i think the best part of the day is the fun day dreams you have along with all the serious stuff

wish me luck for my resit :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

evil-ness of pancakes

pancake batter, is an evil thing.
i love pancakes, they are so tasty, maple syrup and ice-cream, yumm
with awesome coffee or mocha!
but making the batter is so hard.. the perfect batter.. **cries**

i burnt half the batter but the other half turned out okay :)

my first

hello.. if there's any body out there..

i've never done this before.. these diary things normally dont interest me that is, keeping one myself.. but i have spent many hours reading other peoples thoughts and enjoying their jokes and stories almost as much as they do i guess..

well until i work out how to get this thing moving

peace out
this pic always makes me warm and fuzzy.. but i hope i dont get in trouble for copyright!!! sorry hallmark!